Pilgrimage towards Peace



August 21, 20241 min read

Reasons my children were grumpy this morning:

A sibling was reading a book that wasn't hers 

Her favorite breakfast had run out

One kiddo wanted to leave five minutes earlier…

…and another wanted to leave five minutes later

His folder was orange, not red

A shoe "disappeared"

I asked a kiddo to get their backpack

I told another kiddo to put on socks

After "looking everywhere" for her gym heart rate strap, it was found to be exactly where it was meant to be.

Learning that they had to attend youth group even if their friend wasn't going

Having to get dressed

Being told they could not throw books

I prayed for the grumpy 9-year-old, found the shoe that disappeared, helped put on socks, lotioned up legs, packed lunches and fed hungry stomachs. As they passed in and out of the kitchen with scowls or sighs or tears or yells, I kept doing what I needed to be doing. Despite their storms, I was steady, and - if nothing else - I hope I give them stability.

A foundation to come home to. Biblical narratives to guide their hearts. Food that nourishes them. A Daddy that works hard outside of our home to meet their needs. These steady, very ordinary necessities are what my husband and I have found to be our life calling. Loving them. Serving them. 

Despite the groans and the complaints and the eye rolls, we live to love them.

Just as our Heavenly Father does for us.

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