Pilgrimage towards Peace
One of my daughters ran into the house to say that Judah crashed his bike and thought his leg was broken. No one was crying or screaming, and as I ran to the window, I saw my son walking into the house calmly. He was bleeding, but he didn't look like he was in pain.
"Um, Mom? Is there something in my head?"
To my dismay, there was. A huge bump had developed on his unusually large head (I can say this because he's proud of this fact), and there was a tree branch sticking out from under his skin. I didn't know what to do, but I think we are all familiar with that moment when we are presented with something alarming, and don't quite know how to respond.
Naturally, I panicked for a minute, called my husband, and decided that I was not the right person to remove the branch from his head. I also had one of my best friends there at the time because, as timing would have it, we were ABOUT TO LEAVE FOR THE WEEKEND.
My husband brought him into Urgent Care, and they removed the branch before cleaning out his head wound and getting him a prescription for an antibiotic. Upon learning that the line at Urgent Care wasn't very long, my friend and I left for our weekend trip, knowing that he was in the right hands and that my husband could take it from there.
The next night when I saw my son and he showed me his gaping wound, I looked at him and said matter of factly, 'where a dang helmet next time dude.'
What do you need to do next time, friend? You're likely not on the verge of crashing into a bush without a helmet on, but what might you crash into unless you pivot? Do that darn thing today. This is a friendly reminder, because although we all make mistakes, some of them could be avoided if we just made one better choice at a time. Do that darn thing today for YOU, and Judah, do it for that big ole' head of yours!